Experts in theology, liturgy and linguistics have collaborated with the bishops in producing the new translation of the Order of the Mass. The time is right. The need clear. The work warranted.
The exclusion of same-sex unions from the notion of marriage is not to discriminate against those who freely enter these unions. Rather, it is to recognize the difference that exists between these partnerships and marriage.
In today’s world, there is a marked decline in the consciousness of sin. Acts and attitudes that violate the Ten Commandments are justified on grounds of personal need, societal changes and psychological disposition.
The Spirit opens our minds to the truth and our hearts to love. The Spirit enables us as followers of Jesus to truly belong to the Church he founded. Who loves the Lord loves the Church.
The resurrection of Jesus carries the promise that death cannot separate us from God. Christ lives and so will we. The resurrection of Jesus also bears the pledge that no barrier can separate us from each other. Christ is risen.
Scholars today hold that before the gospels were written, the story of the Passion of Jesus had already been told and retold and put into writing. In fact, the first gospel of Mark is something of a Passion Narrative with an extended introduction. The original account of the Passion began with the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
The Church clearly teaches Jesus’ betrayal is the sin of each one of us. It is not the crime or treachery of one individual, or one group of people, let alone an entire race. Christ died for all sin. And every sin finds its ugly traits on the face of Judas.
Pope Benedict XVI has issued his first encyclical “Deus Caritas est.” In it, the Holy Father has gone to the heart of the matter. He has chosen to speak about love.
It is only within the sacred bonds of marriage that the individual has the security of not being used only to be put aside at a later date. Commitment provides the possibility that the marriage not only survives the joys and sorrows of daily life, but also grows.
Religious life is an icon of the very mystery of God himself. By being who they are as religious, consecrated men and women invite the other members of the Church into a deeper communion with the triune God.
Here is reason coming to grips with the wonder and mystery of life. Perhaps, our materialistic society has lost the sense of wonder and awe that is at the heart of philosophy. And so, instead of allowing students to learn to philosophize, our society labels the questions about design and order, purpose and end as theology and thus banishes them from the public school. Aristotle would have made a poor student in our secular classrooms.
We have a certitude about life and God and the human person. When our faith is alive, we want to share the truths we know so that others may come to Him who is Truth and Love Incarnate.