Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli
My dear brothers in the priesthood,
As you are well aware, this year we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of our Blessed Mother at Fatima. The message of Fatima, strengthened and authenticated by fulfillment of its prophecies in history, remains as needed today as it was when Lucia and her two cousins, Jacinta and Francisco, heard it from the lips of Our Lady. In an age when humankind continues its rebellion against the will of God, Mary repeats for each of us the first words of Jesus in his public ministry. She brings to us Christ’s call to conversion. “The kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent and believe the gospel” (Mk 1:15).
At Fatima, Our Lady asked us to find in her heart the door to Christ. By consecrating ourselves to her Immaculate Heart, we accept the will of Christ who gave Mary to be our Mother. As we celebrate the centenary of these apparitions, I ask you to join with me in the consecration of our diocese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As your Bishop, I will personally make this consecration on the morning of May 13, 2017, the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, at the end of diaconate ordination. At all the weekend Masses of May 13 and 14, you are to lead your people in this consecration. The act of consecration itself is a biblical prayer modeled on the words of St. John Paul II. Here is the prayer for your use and that of your parishioners. I thank you for your cooperation.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
O Mary, chosen by the Father from all eternity, you offer us Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb, the Word made flesh, the world's Redeemer. On the cross, your Son gave you, his own Mother, to be our Mother, entrusting us to your loving care. Therefore, in obedience to his will, this day, we kneel in humble prayer before you, placing ourselves, our families, our loved ones, our entire diocese in the shelter of your Immaculate Heart. By this act of consecration, we, like John the Apostle, wish to take you into our homes and lives.
Most Holy Virgin, at the Annunciation, you became the first disciple, accepting Jesus into your life. Now, assumed into heaven, you do not abandon all who follow Jesus, but accompany us on the way of discipleship. Plead for us with your beloved Son that he may give us in abundance the Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith, increase our hope and inflame our charity. Be with us in trial and suffering, in joy and happiness, every moment of our lives and most especially, at the hour of our death.
O Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth, you know our sufferings and hopes. Look kindly upon all people and all nations and, by your powerful intercession, lead them to Christ the Prince of Peace. Mary, Joy of Fatima, you see our struggles between good and evil, between light and darkness. Embrace, with the love of a mother each of us who entrust and consecrate ourselves to you. To you, Dawn of Salvation, we commit our life journey, so that, with you as guide, we may truly know and follow Christ, the light of the world and its only Savior, who reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.