It is to the advantage of society as a whole, and our cities in particular, to have Catholic schools. The students are well prepared. They graduate at a higher percentage than in many public school systems. Their education forms them in such a way that they become productive citizens who contribute to society and do not become a burden.
I have been to the Holy Land nine times before. Each time I notice something different. A new excavation. A deeper insight into Sacred Scripture. A better appreciation of the place where God chose to reveal his plan for us.
As we embark upon a new year, the way we date our letters expresses a profound truth of our faith. A.D. -- we are living in an era that has been transformed from expectation to fulfillment. In the announcement of Jesus’ birth, God did not communicate a new idea or new program to achieve his purpose in creation. No. He entered our human history. He became part of our days and our nights as the Son of the Virgin Mary.