The Holy Father tackled the issues facing the Church in America with honesty, compassion and hope. At a time when the country is so divided over how to treat the stranger among us, he had the courage to recall our own history. “From the beginning, [Americans] have opened their doors to the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free”
In 1920, during the aftermath of World War I, a soldier was digging a trench near the modern town of Salhiyé in Syria. Accidentally, he discovered the site of the ancient town of Dura-Europos. From under the dust of history, there came to light one of the earliest Christian house churches...
On March 19, 2008, extremist Osama bin Laden released a tape on a militant website that carries al-Qaida statements. Bin Laden was pictured with an assault rifle as he announced his latest denunciation of the West.