Recent polls about the direction of our country are not very encouraging. According to Real Clear Politics, only 24.5% of all Americans expressed satisfaction that the country is on the right track. 67% feel that the country is going in the wrong direction. The reasons for this pervasive malaise are manifold.
In the 1970s and 1980s, some demographers were warning the world of a population explosion that would lead to the death of millions of people. However, they were wrong. Their theory was based on the false assumption that the baby boom of the 1960s would simply continue.
When gas prices soared in 2008, sales in big cars plummeted by 20% and small cars’ sales rose by 16%. The same trend occurred again in 2011. When fuel prices rise, the size of cars shrinks. And, since gas prices have been, for the most part, on a steady rise, car manufacturers are pushing smaller cars.