To help Catholics appreciate more fully the great gift of Holy Communion as the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, the bishops of the United States have issued a document entitled “Happy Are Those Who Are Called To His Supper: On Preparing to Receive Christ Worthily In The Eucharist.”
When we have the childlike simplicity of a young Alex and spontaneously engage with God and his saints in conversation, we will find the true power of prayer for ourselves and others.
Here is the goal of Catholic education: to offer the meaning of life. Catholic education does more than providing students with the knowledge needed in our scientific and technical age.
Sister Leonella had worked for nearly 40 years in Kenya and Somalia. She had served the weakest and the neediest. She gave of herself to others without regard for their religion or race.
As a true scholar and good teacher, the Pope mined the field of historical research for a dramatic example to make his point: reason and faith cannot be divorced...
Once the human person is no longer seen as made in the image and likeness of God, then life itself has no guarantee. The vulnerable, the weak, the enemy lose their right to live if they interfere with our way of life.